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In the vast theater of existence, each individual is given a unique role, a personal story that weaves the fabric of their life. From my first steps hesitant in this world to the person I am today, my journey will be one of discoveries and challenges. Born in France and imbued with Congolese values, I navigated through the adventures of childhood, building the foundations of my personality. My early years were a school of curiosity, each moment shaping my perception of the world around me. Over the years, I have blazed trails in education, exploring the vast expanses of knowledge and immersing myself in disciplines that sparked my passion. Successes and failures have been my teachers, etching indelible lessons in the book of my personal growth. However, beyond simple facts, my life is guided by deep aspirations and dreams that challenge the limits of everyday life. My ambitions, like distant stars, illuminate the trajectory of my choices and actions. Whether in the pursuit of academic excellence, developing artistic skills, or contributing to causes that are close to my heart, every day is an opportunity to progress toward achieving my goals. So this story, still being written, reflects my never-ending quest for growth, understanding, and impact. Through these lines, I invite you to discover the chapters of my life, marked by authenticity, determination and constant hope for a future imbued with deep meanings.

Since my earliest childhood, art has been the common thread of my life, an infinite symphony of creativity that has guided me through the twists and turns of personal expression. My passion for drawing was born in the margins of my school notebooks, where every white space was a potential canvas for my budding ideas. As the years have passed, this fascination with precise linework, subtle shading and the ability to evoke emotion with a simple pencil has evolved into a full-blown obsession. Painting came to complement this passion, adding a new and vibrant dimension to my artistic universe. Each brushstroke is a dance between soul and canvas, an exploration of color and texture that transcends the limits of reality. The paintings that come to life under my fingers tell silent stories, complex emotions frozen in abstract landscapes or poignant portraits. Music, constant companion of my creative moments, is the very essence of my inspiration. The notes that resonate in the air create a rhythm that my works join in, merging the visual and auditory worlds in perfect symbiosis. Soft melodies guide my brush in graceful dances, while passionate crescendos breathe new energy into my drawings and paintings. However, there is one side of my passion that embraces the darkness with all-consuming fascination: horror. The shadows that creep across my mind are a reflection of my attraction to the unexplored, the uncomfortable and the mysterious. My love for horror is expressed in a unique way, fascinated by the ability to distort faces in deliberately uneasy ways. In these grotesque distortions, I find a strange beauty, an exploration of the aesthetics of unease. The faces that take on a twisted and distorted appearance on my paintings or in my drawings capture the very essence of psychological terror. It's as if each curved line, each carefully crafted distortion, evokes the darkest corners of the human mind. This search for visual discomfort pushes me to push the limits of artistic representation, to create compositions where the strangeness of distorted faces resonates with the darkness of horror, arousing a visceral reaction in those who contemplate my works. In short, my life is a web woven of precise lines, vivid colors, haunting melodies and thrills of horror. Every day is a new blank page on which I paint my existence, exploring the limits of my creativity and venturing into the unexplored corners of my mind. My love for drawing, painting, music and horror is the key that opens the doors to my artistic soul, allowing me to flourish in a world where imagination has no limits.